Welcome to Chatsinmyhead, the home of . . .
Strategy Man
A hero whose superpower is bringing the latest in management consulting techniques to solving the problems we face in everyday life.

A periodic comic strip containing management consulting cartoons bringing the latest in strategic insight to help Strategy Man's audience solve their challenges 'going forward.'
New Dad at 50
The thematic travails of a dozy indolent lazy father at 50+ with his 2-4 year old toddler to small kid and long suffering Eastern European girlfriend.

Older parent cartoons detailing the perils of having a child in your 50s, with a truck load of co-morbidities, and realising that the rest of your diminishing lifespan will be finding ways to pay the school fees and dieting.
The Gospel Truth
For the first time ever, the true story of Jesus and His disciples, getting beneath the Gospel text to visualise how it really all panned out.

A ten chapter book detailing the funniest bits my head found in the New Testament. So far. Biblical cartoons or Gospel cartoons - the new truth.
Professional colleagues
“That is so brilliant"
"You've not lost your touch"
"You clearly have too much time on your hands"
So called friends
"The cartoon you isn't as fat as you are in real life"
"If this is real, shouldn't you be reported to Child Services, again?"
28 UK publishers
“You can't draw hands.”
"Hope you've got another job."
"Never speak to us again"