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I'm a 50 something dad with three kids spanning adult, teenager and toddler. I live in London but grew up in Australia, have a Norwegian name I can't pronounce properly and my most recent kid is half Romanian with a different surname to both mine and his mother's. So there's something of the mongrel about me that lives on in this family. I'm also a signed up member of the Cartoonists' Club of Great Britain, which is a group of professional pen twirlers who are rude about people from the safety of their own homes. I feel a sense of belonging there.


With all this confusion, this site is about the chats I have in my head that I find the time to put on paper, divided into 3 themes comprising my work, my home life, and my spiritual side. 

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My work

Strategy Man has a passion to reveal the inspiration he faces everyday in his professional life and turn that into practical realities that the rest of us normal folk can benefit from. 


This guy comes from my 30 years experience working in the same consulting firm, observing its transition from a 20th century pen and paper organisation to 21st century mobile cloud global mega-beast. With that tenure, it's not hard to image how the chats in my head about the stream of consulting gobbledegook have been queueing up to be released, like a geyser ready to blow. 


However, I want to stress that absolutely nothing I write about has ever happened in the consulting firm I work for. It only happens in the competition. Honest. Trust me, I'm a consultant.

My home life

A 50 plus year old divorcee with a teenage daughter, an adult son at university and a toddler boy, I'm living my second go at parenthood, trying to avoid the same cock-ups the first time round. More of a manual of what not-to-do than a guide to successful parenting, treat this strip as a 'do not try this at home' type experience. 

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My spiritual life

After 12 years of being forced to go to weekly chapel at my various Church of England schools, I feel like I have a massive prepayment on future attendance. That's given me time to read the Bible and by all that's holy what an amusing set of books it turned out to be. This 10 chapter comic novel is my take on the stories I couldn't resist visualising in print. An exorcism of the ideas in my head if you will.

I want to sell you stuff

But I've got nothing to sell yet.

So please be patient while I figure out how to package the content into a digestible digital and/or physical format without sending me broke. If you like my stuff, that helps me to size the demand and figure out what best to flog.


First sellable things I'm aiming to release in June 2024. If that fails then I'll put my children on OnlyFans. Or they'll put me on it. Whichever works best.


If you want to know more about the origin of all this - check out the personal blog here.


Watch this space. . . 

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