Today marks the end of the working week for the next seven days. We're off to Switzerland on Sunday to go skiing. It will be interesting to see the effect this has on our diet.
On the face of it, skiing is a highly physical activity which should help with the calorie burn. But against that is the fact that I ski like an elephant on ice skates - not terribly elegantly nor effectively. Plus at the end of the day, I like to indulge in refreshment to replace all the sweat I've leaked into my various ski clothes.
I've never been very keen on it as a pursuit to be honest. Everything is just so damn high.

And then there's Loki. He could be the wild card in all this. A three year old who has trouble pushing the peddles on a bicycle with training wheels. How will he fare on skis?
I have a sneaking suspicion there won't be a lot of skiing for anyone on this trip.
We will be skiing 😉 LOTS
Good luck and good bye!