Iulia disappears for several hours on the weekend every now and then, returning brandishing a new hair colour, or new tint on her nails, or other such things that aren't entirely clear to me. Bear in mind that I cut my own hair in the kitchen with a set of clippers, so I'm about as far removed from Iulia's sense of personal grooming as a wookie.
But occasionally, she returns bearing a surprise.
While I was drawing Groucho Marx, I couldn't help noticing how similar my caricature looked to Baron Robert Winston, the eminent doctor and TV presenter who narrated the show 'Child of our Time'. See?
Be that as it may, any female beauty parlour that has you looking like either Groucho Marx or Baron Winston - well, I wouldn't be putting them top of the list of referrals for my girly pals.
This one seems familiar