Sometimes you listen to a singer and the combination of the anguish in their voice, the words and the music, really resonate with you for an unforgettable and visceral experience. Last Monday night was one of those occasions for me.
So at the optometrists for oligarchs, not only did Iulia learn her eyesight isn't that bad, but the main reason she went was because she keeps putting her glasses down somewhere and forgetting where she's put them.
She doesn't need new glasses. And when we got home, she found the one's she'd put down.
There is no logic in why she has spent all of Loki's inheritance on a pair of glasses that she is going to do exactly the same thing with as her current pairs. None of which she really needs anyway.
"These ones are bifocals - so I'll never take them off. That way I won't lose them. By the way they're really ugly. You'll hate them".
We should all get bionic eyes