When you work from 8am to 7:30pm and then have to rush home to put the three year old to bed, it doesn't leave a lot of time to keep up the blog. So you may see an acceleration in the economy of the output over the next few weeks as I strive to maintain my objectives.
Having said that, today was an exciting day because it was the first weigh-in day to measure progress. And I'm pleased to see that I've gone from 117.2 kgs to 115.0 kgs. That's the right direction.
Although in reality all that's happened is that I've gone from the heaviest I've ever been to the heaviest I've ever been before I was the heaviest I've ever been.
I know if you take that statement to it's logical conclusion, then you end up at your birth weight, which isn't that heavy, but the underlying sentiment remains that there's a very long way to go.
It's cruelly ironic that the first thing you'd like to do to celebrate your achievement is have a beer which would undo everything you've managed to pull off over the last week. Ah dammit, first world problems, eh?
The shorter ones are better in my opinion